About Us
Our Publicly-Elected Commissioners
Silver Lake Water and Sewer District 最初成立于 1934 年,是一家市政公司,为大约 ___ 个家庭供水。

Shauna Willner
自 1970 年以来的下水道服务
Term 2020–2025
Shauna Willner is a lifelong resident in this area and grew up in North Seattle. She is a Realtor with Windermere R.E., Northeast, Inc. and has enjoyed working with buyers and sellers since 2000 and enjoys helping people achieve their goals of homeownership. Prior to Real Estate, she had a banking/mortgage lending career with Phoenix Mortgage, Bay Mortgage and others.
In 2012, she was elected for Fire Commissioner at Snohomish County Fire District 7 and served through 2017. She worked collaboratively to provide first-rate service to the district while balancing the budget and overseeing a successful merger which will lower costs and expand services to the community.
She will ensure that facilities and equipment are maintained and upgraded, and will work collaboratively as a regional leader to ensure the District is obtaining the best contracted services.
In addition to serving as President of the HOA where she presides, Shauna enjoys her two grown sons and three grandsons and is one lucky Grandma to live close by!

Term 2022–2027
Mr. John Warner was appointed to the Board on December 24, 2019, following Commissioner Bill Anderson's resignation after 35 years of service to the District.
He and his wife Kathy have made their home in the Silver Lake area for over 27 years. In 1964, John began his career in the planning and design of improvements to the state Highway System. In 1974, he began working with an engineering consulting firm as a Designer/Draftsman and eventually moved into a field inspection position, where he inspected the construction of roads, wastewater treatment plants, and sewer and water mains for many different municipalities and special purpose districts. Beginning in 1994, John became the lead inspector for the majority of the District's water and sewer construction projects including new plat water and sewer mains, pump station, reservoirs, and other municipal projects until he retired in 2011.
John is a Lincoln High School (Seattle) graduate and has completed various college level courses in the fields of engineering, surveying, materials testing, and business.

2020-2025 年学期
Commissioner Position #3
Term 2018–2023
Shauna Willner 是该地区的终身居民,在北西雅图长大。她是 Windermere RE, Northeast, Inc. 的一名房地产经纪人,自 2000 年以来一直喜欢与买家和卖家合作,并乐于帮助人们实现拥有住房的目标。在加入房地产之前,她曾在 Phoenix Mortgage、Bay Mortgage 等公司从事银行/抵押贷款工作。
Anne was elected to serve as our Commissioner in January 2006. She has held administrative and managerial positions throughout her career, including employment at Olympic View Water & Sewer District, and Customer Service Committee member for the Pacific Northwest Section of the American Water Works Association, and actively attends Washington Association of Sewer and Water District meetings and hopes to serve on future committees.
Music is one of her many loves; she was formerly involved with a band who performed jazz and older pop songs. Her children are very involved in music as well. Both attended Cascade High School where her youngest son was in the marching band. Her eldest son is a pianist who sometimes joins Anne in singing the National Anthem at AquaSox games.
除了担任她主持的 HOA 主席之外,Shauna 还享受着她的两个成年儿子和三个孙子,并且是一位幸运的奶奶住在附近!
Board of Commissioners Meetings
Silver Lake Water & Sewer District welcomes the public to attend and comment at our Board of Commissioners meetings, held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. Currently, these meetings are being held in a hybrid format (in-person and virtually).