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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I tell if I have a water leak?Unexpected high water usage (and the resulting high water bills) may indicate a leak. To check for a leak yourself, make sure all the water is turned off at your house, and then check the “low flow indicator” on your water meter to see if it is moving. The low flow indicator is usually a small dial, red or black triangle, or blue snow flake, that spins when very small amounts of water move through the meter. If the indicator is moving, and every water faucet is turned off in your home, you may have a water leak. Some leaks are very small, so the indicator may move very slowly or intermittently. You can also call us to perform a leak check: we provide one free leak check a year by a District field technician.
Who do I contact before I dig?Whether you're having a new fence or deck built, removing an old tree stump, planting or removing a tree or bush, or anything involving digging into the ground more than a few inches, please DIAL 811 to request a FREE underground utility location BEFORE you dig. You can also request this service online at their website: We may also be able to provide you an "As-Built" drawing of your sewer system upon request. Request As-Builts.
Am I responsible to have my water or sewer lines repaired?Yes, customers are responsible for maintaining and repairing their private water and sewer systems. For water, this means the pipes that run between the water meter and your residence. For sewer, this typically means the pipes and junctions that run from the property line to your residence. Please call us if you have questions or need assistance.
How do I turn off my water at the point of service?All customers can turn their water off at the water meter. Most customers can also turn their water off by using their home’s shut-off valve, which is typically located in their garage.
How do I winterize my house fixtures?Visit our DIY Repairs page for our winterization checklist (and a lot of other helpful information as well!)
How do I request field service or an inspection?If you want to request a field technician to respond to your property for service or an inspection, simply call our customer service representatives Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (except on Federal Holidays), at 425.337.3647.
How do I open a new account?Opening an account is easy; just call our customer service representatives at 425.337.3647. We will need your property address, and either your closing date (sale) or your move in date (rental). If you are new property owners, we strongly recommend you request your Title Company obtain an estimated and final utility bill. There is a $10.00 new account fee.
How do I close my account?Closing an account is easy; just call our customer service representatives at 425.337.3647. We will need your property address, and either your closing date (sale) or your move out date (rental). If your Title Company requests an estimated utility bill, you will be sent a copy of our estimate. On the final bill, Washington state law requires us to provide an estimate of the final utility charges based on current reading and future closing date. There is a $10.00 charge for estimated utility bills, and a $35.00 final bill charge to cover the cost of staff to read the meter, prepare the estimate, and transmit the estimate to the requesting party.
Why is the previous owner's balance on my bill?Washington State Law provides that water and sewer charges are liens on the property that was served. To assist buyers and sellers, and to remain in compliance with the State law, the District provides estimated utility bills and final utility bills on request.
What is an estimated utility bill?An estimated utility bill is provided when the closing date is uncertain, or the closing date is beyond three days from the request. An estimated utility bill provides the current balance and an estimation based on the account's average daily consumption, plus fees and charges, up to the closing date. A per day estimate is also provided. Washington state law requires us to provide an estimate of the final utility charges based on current reading and future closing date. There is a $10.00 charge for estimated utility bills.
What is a final utility bill?A final utility bill is provided when an account is closed. A reading of the meter is taken and a final utility bill is prepared. The charge for a final utility bill is $35.00 to cover our technician's visit to the property for a final meter reading. Washington state law requires us to provide an estimate of the final utility charges based on current reading and future closing date. There is a $35.00 final bill charge to cover the cost of staff to read the meter, prepare the estimate, and transmit the estimate to the requesting party.
When can I expect to receive my utility bill?Most District customers are billed once every two months. Bills are mailed at the end of your billing month and are due 10 to 15 days later.
Where do I mail my payment?Please mail your payment to: 15205 41st Ave SE, Bothell, WA 98012. When mailing your payment, please include your payment stub along with your check. If you use an online bill paying service, please ensure your current account number is included with your information. Your account number is located at the top of your bill.
Why is my recent payment not reflected on my bill?Bills may be generated prior to receipt of your payment. If your payment is not reflected on your account, please call our customer service representatives at 425.337.3647 for assistance.
What are your rates for utility service?Visit our About Your Bill page where you'll find a breakdown of the various utility rates for water, sewer, other services, and new connection fees.
How can tenants or other third parties get copies of utility bills and other notices?Property owners can request that copies of utility bills and all notices be provided to tenants, property managers, and other third parties by submitting an Authorization for Copy of Statement form, found on our Forms page, under "For Customers."
Will I get a notice before my service is disconnected?Customers typically get three mailed notices prior to a service being shut-off for nonpayment. The first notice is the customer's utility bill. The second notice is a courtesy "payment reminder" notice, which is typically mailed not more than sixteen days after the bill's due date. This notice will show both the amount due and the shut off date. The third notice is a shut-off notice typically mailed to the customer not more than forty-five days after the bill's due date. Accounts that are more than thirty days delinquent may be shut off according to RCW 57.08.081 (5). The actual date of shut off is printed on the reminder and shut off notices. Customers can contact the District at least one day prior to the shut-off date and make payment arrangements.
How do I apply for Low Income Senior/Disabled Rates?Low income seniors and permanently disabled customers can receive utility rate discounts as described on this page of our website. To apply, go to our Forms page, look under the "For Customers" section, and click on the third bullet to download our "Low Income Senior Citizen and Disabled Persons Discount Form." Complete the form, and send it to us by postal mail, or you can deliver in person during business hours.
I have a question about my bill, who do I contact?Please call our customer service representatives with any questions regarding your bill. We can be reached Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except Federal Holidays, by calling 425.337.3647.
I had a water leak, can I get my bill adjusted?District customers may apply for a leak adjustment credit once every five years. Go to our Forms page, look under the "For Customers" section, and click on the "Leak Adjustment Credit Application" form. Complete the form, and send it to us by postal mail, or you can deliver in person during business hours.
Where is your service area?Click here to view the District's service area in Google Maps.
How do I recognize legitimate SLWSD service technicians?All SLWSD field crew wear uniforms that identify them as employees, and carry employee identification cards. If you have questions regarding a staff contact or the identity of an employee, please call us. District employees will never ask you for a payment or payment information. For your protection, they are prohibited from accepting payments in the field.
Does the District have a Night Deposit Box?A night deposit box is available for our customer's convenience at our main office building located at 15205 41st Ave SE, Bothell, WA 98012. Please do not place cash payments in the night deposit box.
What is the conversion for cubic feet to gallons?One unit of water = one hundred cubic feet = 748.50 gallons of water. A customer that used 10 units of water would have consumed 7,485 gallons of water.
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