Overview of the Permitting Process
For a New Water Meter
Submit a residential or commercial service connection application and pay the applicable District fees when invoiced.
Additional costs, permitting, and/or contractor work may be required based on size, condition, and location of the existing service line between the water main in the street and the meter box.
If there is no existing water main / pipe, you will be required to apply for a Developer Extension Agreement. More information is available on the Developer Process page.
For a New Sewer Connection
The customer is responsible for the cost of hiring a contractor to install sewer lines and restore the area. This work may entail different components depending on the type of sewer infrastructure installed near the property. If unknown, contact Engineering for more information.​
If there is an existing sewer lateral/stub to the property line:
The customer must submit a residential or commercial service connection application, pay the applicable District fees when invoiced, and hire a contractor to install a side sewer that meets District standards. Upon completion, the District will inspect and approve the work.​
If there is no sewer lateral/stub, or no sewer main in front of the property:
The customer must apply for a Developer Extension Agreement, and hire a contractor to install a lateral and/or new sewer main. More information is available on the Developer Process page.
Water / Sewer Availability
A letter of water and/or sewer availability is required for most building permits in the City of Mill Creek or Snohomish County. It is also the typical first step in the land development process.
Please note on the application if the work involves an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) or an adult family home.
Please include any building or site plans that show the proposed work.
Service Connection Applications
For a new water meter, and/or new sewer connection to an existing stub on a residential property, use the Application for New or Modified Residential Water and/or Sewer Service form.
For a commercial service connection or irrigation service, use the Application for new or Modified Irrigation, Multi-Family / Commercial Water and/or Sewer Service form.